After credit card was discovered, many people try to apply it to get many exciting benefits and services that come together with credit card. So what the actually benefits can we get from applying credit card?
There are lot of advantages credit cards have. The major advantage of credit cards is that they permit people to make large purchases, such as expensive jewelery or those for cars. Also, credit cards can help for emergencies like medical bills caused by accidents. A responsible repayment of credit cards would permit the card holders to fit into middle class people life and, the same time to develop quality spending habits. Additionally, adolescents may develop a basic moral code and stronger ethics while putting face to face credit cards and the societal rules for delayed gratification.
But, credit card will make lot of people to increase in debt and finally to be unable to repay, causing problems with the economic balance and with personal credit too.The real problem with credit cards is that the owed amounts must be paid back, this way the higher costs accumulated since the initial purchase could be avoided as well as the high interest rates of credit cards.
So credit cards could be considered the best friends as long as they are used in a right manner and the payments are made without getting in debt.
So true, I totally agree.
We did however have very bad experience. The credit cards saved our butt, when I got a horrible injury and at the time had pretty crappy insurance.
They saved our butt, but now we owe our butts to pay them off. lol
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