
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mind Set

Don’t you know that our mind have incredible power to change our life? Yeah, mind is the pioneer in this living things.All actions you did from your body, all words that came out from your mouth is controlled by your mind.
After knowing the power of mind , why we don’t use it to make a great things? Give times to comfort your mind , forget about your credit card’s bill, forgot what you have done today, don’t think what will happen tomorrow, just focus what is happening now and relaxing your mind.

Targeting your dream , set your mind to reach that dream everyday so that it can settle in your deepest mind and become your greatest power. Throw away all your negative thinking, grow up your positive mind. Reach all your dream because success is your right, success is my right and success is our right….


Lakelandmom said...

It is so true.

RandomReflection said...

Amen. Scientists are only now starting to really learn how powerful the mind is over the body!

Hendra Lokkasa said...

yup, i also have proved it by breaking a tile with a bulb

Anonymous said...

You still have to consider the environment other than what you can control. Mind power (telekenesis, etc.) are just bullshits and most of the time, they're just coincidental.

One more thing to ask: "Have you just heard Joel Osteen preach recently? Or Have you just read one of his books?"

Hendra Lokkasa said...

i've never read that books ...
but i know about the power of mind because i have proved it and try it by myself ..
jesse, maybe u can try it first :)